
Why Sellers Should Choose Cash Home Buyers

The term ‘cash buyer’ is often mistaken for a lot of things; however, buying a house with cash simply means purchasing the property upfront without the assistance of a mortgage or house loan. This entails that the cash buyer must be able to pay for the property in full without financing from lenders. Another misconception most people have is thinking you have to show up with a briefcase full of cash to close the deal. The truth is that there is no room for raw cash in the real estate market as no one wants to be stuck counting large wads of cash.  For example, if you are looking to purchase a property worth $400,000 without a mortgage, all you have to do after identifying the property is to make an offer on it. Once your offer is accepted and all criteria have been met, proof of funds is then presented as evidence of financial stability. Both parties then proceed to draw up and sign the agreement contract, which would also state that the property is being purchased without a loan invol